.. _importing_galaxy_workflows: Importing Galaxy Workflows into Refinery ======================================== Before you can import *Workflows* from a Galaxy installation into Refinery, the following requirements have to be met: * You have to add a *Galaxy Instance* for the Galaxy installation in question to Refinery through the admin UI. * You have to create a *Workflow Engine* for this *Galaxy Instance* using the ``create_workflowengine`` command, which requires a *Galaxy Instance* id and the name of a group that should own the workflow engine, e.g. "Public". >>> python manage.py create_workflowengine "" Alternatively, you can also create a workflow engine through the admin UI, in that case, however, you have to manually assign ownership to the managers of the group that should own the workflow engine. * You have to :ref:`annotate ` all workflows in the Galaxy installation that you want to import. Once these requirements have been met, run the ``import_workflows`` command: >>> python manage.py import_workflows This command will attempt to import *Workflows* from all *Workflow Engines* registered in your Refinery server. All Galaxy workflows that are annotated as Refinery *Workflows* will be parsed and imported if annotated correctly. Annotation errors will be reported, as well as the total number of *Workflows* imported from each *Workflow Engine*. Existing *Workflows* in your Refinery server will be deactivated but not deleted. Deactivated workflows can no longer be executed but their information can be accessed through the *Analyses* in which they were run.